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Art With iPad, 3; Rubiks Cube

Art With iPad, 3; Rubiks Cube

This is the third episode of Obsessively Geek's "Art With iPad Series. Art made with Paper and Pencil by FiftyThree. Featuring Querina Torres and her original characters; Rubik's Cube and Puzzle Piece.

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Thoughts On Apple Pay

Thoughts On Apple Pay

Apple Pay seems to be the new hot thing ever since it came out in October. Mobile payments are said to be up in the time since its debut, banks are chomping at the bit to sing its praises, and somewhere Steve Jobs is looking down approvingly at Tim Cook. It's a fun novelty that I admit, I jumped on the bandwagon early for, but is it really all its cracked up to be? After using it for a few months in my day to day routine, here are my thoughts.